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Off-cuts of fabric and dismembered ceramic tiles invite you to venture into the corridor, conceiving the illusion of a journey. Utilising the stairs of the gallery space, cylinders of illustrated tracing paper (Masters) gather around a reclined found fabric bundle (Squires). From the bundle, subtle sound can be heard, drawing you even closer to the dwelling lump. Echoes of wheezing breath and cracking tiles creep from within the fabric, reverberating towards you through the tunnel-like space. You reside with the inanimate now, and have no choice other than to make their acquaintance.



An affiliation to comment on materiality and a discovered shared affection for disregarded inanimate objects fuelled HEAP, a collaborative installation between Alison Squires and Rennie Masters. Materials ranging from robust to fragile, combined with objects dictated by craft or chance occurrence intrigues an audience to create links between levels of tactility.





HEAP was on show for two weeks, at False Gallery - Bonnington Studios, Nottingham

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