Discovering objects partially revealed within their own environment, an object has no control of the state in which it is found; fully concealed, partially revealed or totally exposed. The way an object is presented affects its perception by the acquirer. Found uncovered, partially bare to the outside world. It sheds the skin that was once required, now unnecessary for its new lease of life.
Bundle, Deconstructed.
In Bundle, Deconstructed objects were placed precariously within suspended fabric, weighted and tensioned by metal springs on either end. Light and shadow cast from an OHP projector in the corner of the room illuminate the installation. Smaller installations of found objects are attached to the wall and placed onto the floor.
Refraining to conceal the objects in this piece allows the exploration of the question:
does it really matter what the objects are?
Bundle, Deconstructed was on show for two weeks in Bonington Studios, Nottingham.